Dear Blog: I'm Sorry!
Alright, it's been a while! I'm sorry. I know I've been neglecting you. I've been busy finishing the latest draft of my contemporary young/adult manuscript. What's that blog? You're busy too, everyone is busy, but you're still here for me. Alright, that's fair. Stings a bit, but fair.
What's that blog? If only you'd been a better blog, maybe I wouldn't have neglected you so badly for so long - crikey, I still have a Christmas blog post up!
No blog - it's not you it's me. This one is all on me. Don't blame yourself. I'll try harder to update you regularly.
What's that blog? "No! Try not. Do, or do not. there is no try." ~ YODA, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.
Oh, you are seriously not quoting Yoda to me are you blog? Is that where this is going, you're going to lay a Yoda wisdom guilt trip on me? We'll that's it! I'm not even saving you in draft - I'm posting this as is.
(Some time later after a chai tea).
So, I'm back in full blog-on fashion. I am in the throes of re-writing hades and will be posting some of my writer friends thoughts on rewriting. And, yes, I'll be nicer to my blog and followers! Thanks for sticking around during my brief hiatus!