Jocosa of the Earrings Society Manifesto

It started when I received a mysterious package in the mail and opened it to discover the most amazing, fabulous earrings. Every time I look at them I discover a new aspect of their fabulousness. 

Little did I know that it wasn't just a gift from my generous friend Jocosa - it was my induction into the Jocosa of the Earrings Society.

Being a tad bit like Jane - one half of the twin protagonists in my middle grade Megabyte Mystery series - I wanted to know the rules of the society - the maifesto if you will. 

So I pressed Jocosa into coming up with one. And it goes something like this:   

You must believe that:

10-Wild Women never get the blues

9-Everyone Loves James Brown

8-There’s always room for ice cream

7-Life can only be taken seriously for 5 seconds

6-Magic Wands do exist

5-When in doubt of #6 play The Beatles

4-The psychedelic colors and clothes of the sixties are always in style 

3-Your accessories reflect your karma

2-When it comes to jewelry Less is NEVER More

1-You might forget your clothes, shoes or make-up, but never you earrings

Here are a couple of pic of me with my new cool earrings.

close up of the earrings minus the tip of my nose

Jocosa Wade has launched her website, and a blog called I'm not John Irving which will explore the place where acting meets writing - a unique concept that I haven't come across in the blogosphere. Check it out! 


Angie said…
Very cool earrings. Love the rules, too.
Jan Markley said…
Yes, v. cool earrings indeed. I love the rule about ice-cream!

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