The Stubby Cafe and other Stuff Kids Write!

Stubby - madder than a wet cat!
I've shared with you my niece Teaghan's crazy mad video production skillz - she created book trailers for both of my novels. 

But what you didn't know was that she started out writing menus when she was five years old for the Stubby Café. 

What's a Stubby and why does it need, not only a menu, but a cafe? I thought you'd never ask. 

Teaghan and I (and her cat Stubby) did a feature blog post on the blog ‘Stuff Kids Write’ about a menu she did for the Stubby Café

Stuff Kids Write is the brain child of my writer friend Leanne Shirtliffe and Chase McFadden. It's kinda like stuff adults write ... but funnier!

Leanne has another blog called Ironic Mom where her motto is: if you can't laugh at yourself, laugh at your kids! Check it out! 


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