I'm back!
I have landed safely back in the cybersphere and I want to thank my guest blog posters for holding down the proverbial blog fort for the last few weeks.
Big shout out goes to:
Author Candy Gourlay who blogs at two places ('cause she's just not busy enough) Notes from the Slush Pile and her own blog.
Writer Angela Ackerman who blogs at The Bookshelf Muse.
Writer Jenna Quentin who blogs at Meandering in a field of words.
Writer and actor Jocosa Wade (aka Jocosa of the Earrings) who blogs at I may not be John Irving.
and NY actor Katie Repman who blogs at Barbie Kong.
Candy seemed to think that I revealed my inner warrior when I was gone (believe me it was a battle royale!).
I'm not brave enough to do what these people did and participate in the No Pants Subway Ride 2011. I have an annoying habit of keeping my pants on while on the subway!