We get to make up words …
With the global economic downturn (GED as I call it) the word ‘stay-cation’ has been coined. It means staying in your own region and taking a ‘stay-cation’ by enjoying the local attractions, festivals, and natural wonders instead of going to a far away land (does not include Narnia).
I’d like to make up a word that describes a writer who uses her vacation time to write (delusional and misguided don't count). This is something I’ve done over the years, taken vacation, or leave without pay, to write and let me tell you I got a heck of a lot done.
As writers we get to make up words.
I’ve made up a couple words that I would like to catch on. This is a word that describes a mid-afternoon coffee with a friend. It’s a Saturday so maybe you had a later breakfast, worked out at the gym at noon and met a friend after. It’s not really lunch because it’s in a coffee shop, and it’s not just coffee, because you might be a bit peckish. So here are my words: Lunfee (a combination of lunch and coffee) or Coffunch (a combination of coffee and lunch). Which one do you like better? Feel free to use either so that they will become mainstream like redonculous.

So here’s my attempt at a word that means a writing vacation: edit-cation, ecrire-cation, write-cation, scribe-cation, and finally, scrivener-cation.
What would your word be?
Have you ever squirreled away time to write?
That's right Angie - writers see vacation as time to write, others see it as time to have fun. But hey, writing is fun!
Words are fun! :)
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
I think I'd add an "r" and call it a writer-cation or scriber-cation.